With the ravaging pandemic sweeping through countries, the role of caregivers has taken the spotlight. While the medical, paramedical, and other healthcare service providers' role has received attention, one set of caregivers have been ignored – home caregivers. Very often caregivers within the family remain unsung and unrecognized and their work often falls through the cracks. Their sacrifice, be it willing or reluctant, is hardly remembered. More often than not the effort they put in is referred to as their ‘duty’ and ‘responsibility. Their service remains unappreciated and downplayed while their work and efforts are taken for granted. The joy of caregiving slowly erodes into a burdensome and difficult task. Soon fatigue, anxiety, and resentment take over and begins to have an adverse impact on the caregiver.

In the process of looking after their patients the caregiver experiences physical as well as emotional exhaustion. This factor is very often not addressed by the caregiver herself or even by others. Tiredness, lack of sleep, helplessness, hopelessness, and other emotions are overwhelming to deal with which tell on the mental and physical health that also leads to a drop in the quality of service.
Caregivers need support from others as caregiving can be exhausting. Here are some ways to overcome and deal with the situation;
1. Take a break and be by yourself for a short while each day.
2. Read, paint, listen to music, or indulge in an activity that is enjoyable.
3. Eat balanced, nutritious meals.
4. Exercise. Get some physical movement to keep the energy going.
5. Take adequate rest. A good night's sleep is essential.
6. Ask for help when things get overwhelming and are willing to take help even when it comes unsolicited.
These are some tips for caregivers to maintain a well-balanced and healthy life. Above all, despite being a caregiver, make yourself a priority.

(The author is the Administrator at VMSIIHE)

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