~ Mexican born, French raised Chef talks about some of the soft and hard local and regional Swiss cheeses with students and professionals of the hospitality management industry ~

Panaji, July 2021: V. M. Salgaocar Institute of International Hospitality Education (VMSIIHE), one of Goa’s top hospitality institutions collaborated with the Culinary Arts Academy, Switzerland (CAAS) to bring to students and professionals a virtual international level Masterclass on Cheese with Chef David Alvarez.

Chef David delivered the Masterclass from the Bouveret campus of CAAS which hosts the cheese maturation fridge at the #foodinspired kitchen. The event began with an introduction of Chef David and the institute by Christian Schiering, Head of Marketing and Development at the CAAS which was followed by a welcome address by Alain Mueller, Assistant Dean.

Picking up his camera Chef David proceeded to take the audience on a tour of the different cheeses stored in the maturation fridge. He described each of the cheeses and how the terrain, region and altitude of where cows and goats graze affects the taste and personality of cheese. Whether cheese is made of raw or pasteurized milk also impacts the end result. Their unique tastes and personalities is what motivates him to keep experimenting with cheese, pairing them with both sweet and savoury ingredients.

As a special treat Chef David showed us a popular swiss cheese called Raclette that is specifically melted using an electric cheese melter, also known as the Raclette melter. This is a popular practice in Switzerland, the device melts the top of a cheese block which is then scraped off and put on different dishes. Not wanting to commit a ‘cheese’ faux pas, Chef sat down to enjoy a meal of steak and potatoes which had been topped with the just melted Raclette cheese.

Christian took over then taking in questions or any clarification attendees might have had with Chef David answering in-between bites. After all doubts were clarified, Pooja Jain, the coordinator between CAAS and VMSIIHE called upon Chef Sebastian Breitinger from VMSIIHE to give the vote of thanks. He thanked Chef David for this opportunity to collaborate and hoped it would continue to happen in the future.

The session was well attended by people from all over India and Switzerland. “It was a wonderful learning experience, not just about cheese but a different culture as well” said Anslem Menezes, a participant. Another expressed gratitude stating it was wonderful to be a part of an International level Masterclass and being able to interact with Chef David. After yet another successful event VMSIIHE, the hospitality management institute looks forward to hosting similar events, promoting learning within the industry.

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