The plant-based diet has grown in popularity over the last decade, and when something that was once connected with a counter-culture or subculture becomes mainstream, it’s natural to question if it’s just another “trend” that will pass away.  

A plant-based diet emphasises consuming plant-based foods. This includes but is not limited to whole grains, legumes, nuts, and beans, in addition to fruits and vegetables. It does not directly imply that you are a vegetarian or vegan who does not consume meat or dairy products. Rather, you are consciously making an effort to include plant sources in your diet.

The plant-based movement is larger than any single generation. Celebrities, sportsmen, entire organisations, culinary and hospitality institutes and individuals across countries are all backing the drive to eat more plant-based cuisine.

A plant-based diet may not yet be widely accepted. However, it is becoming more widely recognized every day. And the repercussions of this trend are far-reaching.

Below are three reasons why the plant-based diet could be here to stay

1.Better for the environment.

The meat business has had a considerable negative impact on the environment, including animal methane emissions, pollution, fossil fuel consumption, and land and water use. Because of all of these issues, meat production has become a major contributor to the current environmental disaster. That’s why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted a plant-based diet as a significant possibility for tackling climate change 

2. Increased demand in stores

From celiacs to vegans, greater attention and awareness have been devoted to folks with a variety of sensitivities or concerns about what is in the products they are putting into their bodies. With the rising demand for meals that take intolerances and individual preferences into account, there is a greater supply of both food products to fulfill these dietary implications and accompanying resources to help spread the movement and educate the globe. It’s mind blowing to see the quantity of vegan and other herbivore-centered books that now line the shelves as resource materials, compared to one or two worthwhile findings five years ago.

3.Beneficial to your health.

Plant-based diets are higher in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals while being lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. Heart disease, diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity, and digestive problems can all be reduced by following a plant-based diet. Plant-based eaters, on the other hand, must be cautious about getting enough protein and other nutrients present in animal flesh if they do not consume meat. A vegan diet, when done correctly, can be immensely beneficial to your health, and the popular drive toward healthier living is only going to grow stronger.

In general, a plant-based diet reduces greenhouse gas emissions and land and water use. If you eat more plant-based foods, you may be able to lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and lower your risk of chronic diseases. However, like all diets, this too must be nutritionally balanced, and certain nutrients may need to be supplemented. It’s important to grow plants organically and avoid use of artificial growth hormones, sprays and colour.

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