Campus Library

Library (Nalanda)


The institute has a well-equipped library in diverse subjects. The library serves as the main source of information for various class assignments, projects and research. It also has an excellent collection of reference books and periodicals related to the hotel industry. The Library provides students and staff with access to a wide array of information resources to increase students’ knowledge and enhance teaching methods. Offering material for research in the support of the institute’s teaching and learning process.

The library is charged with the responsibility of providing students and faculty access to an extensive range of information resources by carrying out the basic functions of acquiring, processing, organizing, preserving, and disseminating information within the scope of the institutes’ curriculum. Offering a large collection of material of various topics related to the hospitality industry. The library ensures it creates a better learning environment for the academic development of both the students as well as the faculty.

VMSIIHE Hospitality College india

Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

Father of Library Science in India



  1. Timing for library is 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.
  2. Patrons should maintain silence in the library.
  3. Use of cell phones is not permitted in the library.
  4. No eatables are allowed in the library.
  5. Entry register has to be filled on arrival in the library. Patrons are required to write details including time-in and time out when they leave the library.
  6. If patron want to use the reading room, a separate register is kept, wherein he/she should write details including time-in and time out when they leave the reading room.
  7. Students can use the library reprographic service by paying the charges. 
  8. Each student is issued three borrower’s ticket and a reference ticket. If borrower’s cards are lost/ misplaced, same should be inform to the librarian. To issue duplicate card, student will have to write an application letter for duplicate card/s and will have to pay Rs. 50 per duplicate card.
  9. Books will be issued for a period of 7 days thereafter, a student may opt for renewal of the same book and use it for another extended seven days. Books should be returned to the library within the due date or else a fine will be levied in accordance with the fine imposed as decided by the library committee from time to time.
  10. The reader should check the books before borrowing to ensure that these are not damaged. If a book is found to be damaged or certain pages are missing, the borrower should get this statement recorded on the book, otherwise he/she shall be held responsible for the damage, discovered at the time of returning the books.
  11. Borrower should handle the books carefully. If major mutilation or damage to the book, the borrower is liable to pay penalty instituted by the library. 
  12. If students want to discuss anything related to studies, they should write an application seeking for permission to sit in reading room.
  13. Borrowers are not allowed to exchange books among themselves and each student will be responsible for returning the book which has been issued to him/her.
  14. Students should check the Accession number of the book when issued to them. Students have to return the book with same accession number issued to them. Same title with other accession number will not be accepted.
  15. Students are not allowed to take photo copies or print-out during 5 minutes break during class hours.
  16. Students should carry library cards and should be produced as and when asked by the librarian.
  17. Students cannot be issued two same titles at a time.
  18. No book should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the person in charge of the issue counter and until it has been properly entered in the issue register and the entry attested by the borrower.
  19. Books issued to the students should not be used in the library.
  20. Library staff is not responsible for students belongings left on desk while leaving the library. Each one should take care of their belongings.
  21. Patrons should deposit their bags/ belongings at the property counter.


  •  Students should maintain silence in the library.
  • Use of cell phones is not permitted in the library.
  • No eatables are allowed in the library.
  • To avail the library facility, each student will be given three library cards which can be used for borrowing the books.
  • One reference card will also be issued so that students can sit in the library and read the book or any reference material.
  • On entering the library there will be one register kept, where students are required to write your details including time-in and time out when you leave the library.
  • Timing for library will be 8am to 5pm (Monday to Friday).
  • No free print or free photocopy will be allowed in the library. Students can use reprographic service (printing & Photocopy) in the library by paying following charges.
a. Print @Rs 1 per page
b. Photocopy @Rs 1 per page
  • When student return the book/s, librarian or supporting staff will check for mutilation, any type of damage caused for the book. On noticing any major mutilation or damage for the book, the student is liable to pay the entire cost of the book or new copy of the book. Such amount collected will be handed over to Accounts Department.
  • A student can borrow the book for a period of seven days, thereafter, a student may opt for renewal of the same book and use it for another extended seven days. (All together a student can use a book for maximum period of 14 days only) on the expiry of the renewed period a fine of Rs 50 per day per book will be impose.
  • No group discussions or meetings are allowed in the library.
  • Each student will be responsible for returning his/her book which has been issued to the respective student only.



Contact Person: Suphal Naik, Librarian